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CM2WebShare User Manual 6.0.X
- Open a web browser and browse to CM2Webshare
- This will load the CM2Webshare home page
Please ensure you are using a compatible browser
- Microsoft Edge
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
Within the homepage, each table that is created has a range of features that can be applied. The following features are (in order of appearance):
A unique name to find a CM2WebShare Table.
An optional detailed description about the CM2Webshare Table.
The person who last updated the table.
The date and time which the table was last updated.
- Lock Show a table is locked for editing. An unlocked symbol will appear for Administrators and users who are editing the selected table.
- Edit a CM2WebShare Table
- Delete a CM2WebShare Table
- View a CM2WebShare Table
- Copy a CM2WebShare Table URL
- Copy a CM2WebShare Table iFrame Link
- Copy a CM2WebShare Table ePathway Link
- Copy a CM2WebShare Table Index (CSV formatting) Table Index
- Download a CM2WebShare Table CSV file Download
Feature | Functionality |
LOCK | If the table is currently being edited a lock icon will be displayed, otherwise if the table is checked out to you for editing a unlock icon will be displayed (Table can be unlocked via clicking on the unlock icon or performing a save after editing) |
EDIT | Edit a pre-existing CM2WebShare Table |
VIEW | View a selected CM2WebShare Table |
URL | Copies the URL of a selected CM2WebShare table to the clipboard. This allows for the link to be shared. |
IFRAME | Copies the iFrame embedding link for a selected CM2WebShare table to the clipboard. This can be implemented into a webpage that allows iFrame links |
EPATHWAY LINK | Copies the ePathway link for a selected CM2WebShare Table to the clipboard. This can be used to display CM2WebShare tables within ePathway.. |
TABLE INDEX | Create a Table Index of a selected CM2WebShare table in CSV format which can be placed into SharePoint to allow for content searching. |
DOWNLOAD CSV | Downloads a CSV file containing the table index of CM2WebShare table |
There are three options to select from for CM2WebShare to generate an ePathway link. All links will output the same CM2WebShare table. Formatting on each link is slightly different depending on the requirements needed for ePathway.
To decide what link is best, you need to take into consideration your character limit in ePathway and the query string you are capturing. If short links are too long, please utilize the dynamic link.
If selecting Dynamic links, please read through the Dynamic link section carefully are there is more required set up than Short links and Long links.
Short links will display the Content Manager string query within the URL. These links are great for shorter, simple Content Manager queries.
Short links can also be utilised as templates to create one off rendered CM2WebShare tables, this can be completed by changing out the query in the url. You will be able to keep the same functionality from the table saved (i.e theme, table fields, and table options) but the query can be updated to assist with rendering more tables live without creating a new table in the CM2WebShare config.
Long links are similar to short links, but they are best utilized if you want to explicitly change the table's design per link. Long links are most suitable for iframe or intranet site generation due to their long character limit.
Dynamic links are best utilized if you find the short link exceeds the character limit OR you wish to hide the query from the url of the table. Dynamic tables require for a CM2WebShare table configuration to be saved that contains placeholders within the configured Content Manager search string that will be identified by CM2WebShare and populated by the placeholders in the Dynamic Link url.
Placeholders need to be in the format %PLACE_HOLDER% to be identified by CM2WebShare. Placeholders can only be utilized by the Content Manager Search within a CM2WebShare table.
Upon saving this table and generating a dynamic link, the link will contain the placeholders within the URL that can now be substituted with the vales required.
Any links not generated by CM2WebShare will not be supported.
Use the Search By dropdown to determine the criteria to search on.
Enter the search into the search bar and press enter. Alternatively clicking the magnify glass will also start the searching process.
Any tables found will be displayed on the home page.
On the Home Page, click on the Create New Table button
The New Table configuration page will load
Searching for Records can be completed in three separate ways:
a. Searching by Container
b. Searching by Saved Search
c. Searching by custom Content Manager String Search
To activate container searching enable the container search checkbox and a search field will display for locating the correct Folder.
The Search Folder (Container) dropdown list will display all favourited folders upon your first click. To search for a particular folder, start typing the folder's title to begin a search.
To activate saved search searching click the Saved Search checkbox. An input will display upon click.
The saved search dropdown list will display all favourited saved searches available for display and is searchable by Save Search name. To see all saved searches available, in the input bar type "all".
A qualifying saved search must have records and folders that contain records only.
To activate Content Manager string searching click the Content Manager Search checkbox.
You can input a Content Manager search string directly into this field.
- Table Columns (Metadata Properties)
Table columns are created by selecting Metadata Properties from the list provided as illustrated below
Metadata properties are populated by the predefined properties within Content Manager and any additional fields created. The search bar allows you to search through the list to find the property to intend to use.
To add a column to the table, select the field desired using the checkbox. The sorting arrows allow for the table rows to be moved up and down to position the fields into the most ideal configuration for the display.
If you wish to remove a Field from the table, you can press the delete button on the corresponding row, or alternatively, uncheck the check box of the corresponding field within the list.
Table columns can be sorted by clicking on a row and dragging the row to the desired spot
- Extra Table Settings
Add extra features to your table by using the optional table settings below
Display Logo | All tables will display the CM2WebShare header with logo above the table. |
Display Record Type Icons | allow for the Record's Title to have its corresponding Content Manager record type icon attached to the record's row, for clear identification of the records type. |
Display File Type Icons | allow for the Record's Title to have its corresponding file type icon attached to the record's row if there is an electronic record attached, for clear identification of the file type. |
Word Wrap Table Data | If enabled, allows for tables that contain lengthy data to be wrapped within the table cell. If disabled, lengthy table data will be appended with '...', and upon hovering the full table cell data displays. |
Custom Amount of Records per Page | will create pages based on the number of records per page you want to display. Maximum number of records per page is 500. |
Disable Title | allows the Titling of the CM2WebShare table to be removed from view |
Disable Search Bar | allows for the searching functionality of the CM2WebShare table to be removed from view. |
Default Sort Order / Sort Table Data | allow for the CM2WebShare table to be sorted on load by a selected Content Manager Field in ascending or descending order. |
Latest Version Only | Filter the search results to only display the latest version only |
Latest Final Version Only | Filter the search results to only display the latest final version of a record only |
Electronic Records Only | filter the saved search to display only records that have electronic records attached. |
'Field Restriction' Records Only | This will only display if the administration console has been configured to allow for a field restriction. Enabling this restriction will filter all search results to ensure the Boolean field is set to TRUE on the records. |
Download Documents | allows for records from Content Manager to be downloadable from the CM2Webshare table created. |
View Documents | allows for records to be viewed within Content Manager using the CM Launcher. |
Edit Documents | allows for records to be edited using the CM Launcher. |
Download PDF Rendition | allows for records that have PDF Renditions to be downloaded (if applicable) |
The load time of a CM2WebShare table is dependent on how many records are defined per page. Exceeding 100 records will incur a longer processing time.
CM2WebShare can only filter for electronic documents that are not contained in a hierarchical structure. Electronic documents that are contained in sub-level folders will not display
Table Themes
To add a theme to a table, select a pre-existing theme from the drop-down table.
If a theme is not selected, a default theme will be placed onto the table which may be changed within the editing stage.
Previewing the Table
Pressing save will allow you to see a quick preview of what your configured table will look like on display
- On the Home Page, click on the Edit Button (Pencil Icon)
- The Edit Table configuration page will load
- You can now edit any of the existing settings needed
On the Home Page, click on the Delete Button (Rubbish Bin Icon)
A confirmation will appear to confirm the deletion process
Click on the Delete button
- On the Home Page, click on the View Button (Eye Icon)
- The table will open in a new tab for viewing
FYB CM2Webshare provides you with multiple ways to share your newly created tables.
- Tables can be shared using a URL link to send via email, mobile, or hyperlinked within a web page
- Tables can be embedded in web pages using an iFrame link
On the Home Page, click on the URL button (Clipboard Icon)
The URL link to the selected table will be copied to the clipboard
Paste the link to the web browser to see the table
- On the Home Page, click on the iFrame button ("< / >" Icon)
- A popup will prompt for the height and width for the iFrame (in pixels)
- The iFrame link to that table has been copied to your clipboard and now can be shared
The link will be in the following format :
< iframe src="http://[MYSERVER]/Grid?id=[GRID-ID]" width="XXpx" height="XXpx" frameborder="0">< /iframe>
iFrame links are compatible with webpages that allow iFrame embedding. If you wish to embed your table using a different embedding tool, use the URL button to obtain the link to the table. The link will require you to change the height and width of the frame to suit your page
For CM2WebShare to seamlessly work within an iFrame, the minimum width for a CM2WebShare table with 3 columns, is 600px. For each additional column add 150px per column.
Please note these measurements are a guidance based off the default theme setting, and may require slight adjustment to suit your tables needs.
Adjusting the width to less than the recommended minimum width may see issues with the use of CM2WebShare tables.
On the Home Page, click on the EPathway button (Path Icon)
The EPathway link to the selected table will be copied to the clipboard
TABLE INDEX (Comma Delimited Format)
On the Home Page, click on the Table Index button (A Icon)
The Table Index of the selected table will be copied to the clipboard in CSV format.
On the Home Page, click the Download button (Download Icon)
A copy of the table's content will be downloaded to CSV format
On the Home Page, click on the Themes button from the dropdown menu
The Theme page will load if you are an administrator in Content Manager
Within the theme page you can complete the following:
- Upload a customised theme using CSS
- Create a new theme using the CM2WebShare interface
- Delete an existing theme
Within the theme page, click on the Upload Custom Theme button
When the upload theme page load, supply a theme name
Select your CSS File within your computer by clicking on the choose file button
Click on the Save button to upload your theme
When creating a custom CSS file, please ensure that you have read the CM2WebShare CSS Styling Guide and Template, and followed the directions correctly to ensure that the CSS file created will work with the CM2WebShare table.
- In the Create New Themes page, fill out the details to create a new theme.
The colour pickers allow you to search for your desired colour
Not all theme options need to be selected to create a theme.
A theme name is needed to save a theme and you cannot name a theme the same name as a pre-existing theme.
- Click on the Save button to save the theme
Themes can now be used on all CM2WebShare tables
On the theme listing screen, to remove a theme please follow the steps below
- Find the theme you wish to delete
- Click the trash icon to remove the theme
- When the prompt appears click om the Delete button
- The theme will be removed from the theme list
You cannot remove the default theme and themes that are currently being used by a table.
The CM2WebShare Custom Link Template allows for CM2WebShare tables to be created using Content Manager search strings.
Start with your base URL: www.servername/CM2WebShare/Grid?query=
Go to Content Manager and create a search string that will return the records you need.
3 Add the Content Manager search string after the '?query='.
URL : www.servername/CM2WebShare/Grid/Grid?Title:example%20and%20type:2030
If you wish to exclude options from your table, skip this step.
4 Add options to the URL, add '?options=' to the end of the Content Manager search string
Option | Option Name |
Display File Type Icon | fileicon |
Display Record Type Icon | recicon |
Display Electronic Records Only | electronic |
Custom Record per Page | pages=[Number of Records] |
Download Documents | download |
View Documents | view |
Edit Documents | edit |
Display PDF Rendition | pdfren |
Sort Table Data | sort=[Sort Field Name]=[ASC/DES] |
Disable Search Bar | search |
Disable Title | title |
All Table options have a set name. To enable an option, just add the option name after '?options='
To add multiple options, add %20 between each option.
The following table options can be configured within the URL.
URL : www.servername/CM2WebShare/Grid/Grid?Title:example%20and%20type:2030?options=VIEW%20EDIT%20PAGES=10
- To add a theme to the table, after options add &theme= followed by the name of the theme.
The theme must be already preconfigured in CM2WebShare to use the theme name. If the theme name has white space (example: FYB Theme) all whitespace is to be replaced with - (example: FYB-Theme).
To add fields to the table, add &fields= followed by the field name, replacing any whitespace with ' - '. To add multiple fields, use %20 between each field.
To add a name to the table add name= followed by the name of the table, replacing any whitespace with ' - '.
To add a description to the table add *description= followed by the description of the table, replacing any whitespace with ' - '.
Paste the created URL into the browser. If the URL is configured correctly, a CM2WebShare table will be created and will display the records from the Content Manager query created.