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365|2CM User Manual 2.0.28
The 365|2CM application uses Azure AD authentication to validate the user’s credentials. Users will be required to enter their Microsoft365 login details to sign into the application. The user's 365 login will need to be populated on their Content Manager profile so that the authenticated user can connect to Content Manager, this is done using the alternate login field.
If this is your first time launching the application your browser may be blocking the sign-in pop-up. Check for this icon in the top right of your browser and allow the pop-up.
- Open a web browser and navigate to the 365|2CM address
- Sign in using your Microsoft Account. This account must belong to the Microsoft Tenant used during the installation of FYB 365|2CM
- After a successful sign in, the app will load
The drop-down menu allows you to navigate to different areas of the application, each navigation item is explained below. Further detail can be found under the corresponding heading throughout this document.
- Home – Displays a list of all current connections
- Activities – Displays a list of documents that have been recently transferred
- Sites – Displays all sites on SharePoint/Teams/OneDrive the user has access to
- Network Share - Allows configuration of network shares
- Sign out - Sign out of the application
The home screen displays a list of connected document libraries. Initially, this screen will be blank as there are no connected libraries.
The action icons allow you to perform a certain function on each document library, details of each action are explained below.
If there is ever a need to instantly process all documents outside of the scheduled period the instant process button can be used.
You can remove a connection by pressing the bin icon, once deleted the document library will no longer be processed by the background schedular.
The configure action allows you to quickly adjust the current settings.
The CM folder action allows you to view the connected CM folder.
You can navigate to the desired document library on SharePoint by clicking on the name of the library, this will launch an external browser window that takes you to the document library itself.
The status column determines whether the document library should be processed by the background service. The status can be updated via the settings screen.
The activities screen displays all transactions recorded by the background process over time with the most recent transaction appearing at the top. You will find information on each transaction such as the document origin (where it came from on SharePoint), the date it was processed, and whether the document was a new revision or a new record that was created.
The search bar will allow you to quickly search for transactions based on the search criteria such as Extension, Record Number, Title and Site.
The sites screen displays all SharePoint/Teams sites for the organization that the logged in user has access to.
The search bar allows you to search for specific sites.
In addition to searching, you can view all favorite sites by clicking on the favorite icon.
Any site can be added to your favorite list by clicking on the star icon and to unfavourite simply click the icon again.
To connect a document library to Content Manager please follow the steps below:
Click on the arrow icon on the desired site
This will display all document libraries associated with the site
Select the desired document library you wish to connect by clicking on the plug icon
You will be redirected to the configuration screen
Provide the record number for the CM container you wish to connect to, this can be searched for by number, title or URI
Alternatively, you can create a new folder by pressing on New Container button, this will redirect you to the create a new container screen.
- Select the desired document record type from the drop-down menu
365|2CM does not support record types that have a mandatory additional field with the search clause value "DocumentType". This is because of a conflict with the Content Manager SDK.
Enable or Disable Create Folder Structure. This will replicate the folder structure found in the SharePoint Library by creating an Alternatively Contained relationship between parent and child folders in Content Manager. If this option is not enabled, folders will not be created and all documents will be uploaded to the root container selected in step 5
Enable or Disable Select Folders
Enabling Select Folders will allow you to specify which folders you would like to archive during the archive process by selecting the adjacent checkboxes. Clicking on a folder will display its child folders (if any).
Select the document inactivity period from the drop-down menu. This is how long a document must be inactive before the connector will move it to CM
Select the run frequency from the drop-down menu. This is how often the background process will run and transfer documents
Enable or disable the Delete Document option. When the background process runs, you can set the option to remove documents from the library by enabling the Delete option
Enable or disable the Leave TR5 option (This option will only appear if the delete option is enabled). The Leave TR5 option allows you to leave a Content Manager reference file after deleting the document from the document library
Enable or disable the Finalize Record option (This option will only appear if the delete option is enabled). The Finalize Record option allows you to finalize the record after deleting the document from the document library
Enable or disable the Background Processing option this allows the background service to automatically archive the library periodically without user intervention
The Restrict File Types section allows you to enter any file types that you do not want to migrate to Content Manager. For example, if you do not want mp4 and text files to be migrated, enter a comma separate list of these extensions: .mp4,.txt
The Configure Columns section allows you to map SharePoint fields to Content Manager fields and push across the data
Once you’re happy with the configuration, click the save button at the bottom to save the connection
You will notice on the home screen that the document library is now registered, and it’s now possible to perform the various actions with the connected document library.
To specify a different Container Record Type for creating subfolders, follow the steps below:
Enable the Create Folder Structure option
Enable the Choose Subfolder Record Type option
Select a Record Type
Selecting a Record Type will display the mandatory fields required for that Record Type
Enabling the Alternatively Contain Subfolders will create alternatively contained relationships between the subfolders. If this is disabled, then sub containers will be contained within each other
Navigate to the Network Share option in the left menu
Search for a shared folder using the UNC shared path e.g. \server-name\fyb\my shared folder$
Ensure the account running the app pool has full permission to the network drive and can access the network drive. The network drive will need to be accessible from the server the application is installed on.
- All folders at the inputted network share path will be displayed.
- Click on any listed folder and configure the connection. The configuration steps are identical to those listed in the CONNECTING A DOCUMENT LIBRARY section of this guide
Sites that originate from Microsoft Teams have an additional option to capture Teams channel posts.
Navigate to the SITES page and search for a site that is associated to a Microsoft Team, click on this site
Select the documents drive
Enable the ARCHIVE TEAMS CHANNEL POSTS option. This option is only available for drives associated with a Microsoft Team
To capture Teams Posts from the channel as PDF Records, the following settings will need to be configured.
TITLE PLACE HOLDER | Specify placeholders for the title that will be used when creating Records from Teams Posts, see the TITLE PLACEHOLDERS section for more information. |
PDF TEMPLATE | Specify the record number of the word template to be used when capturing Teams posts. See the PDF WORD TEMPLATE section for more information. |
SELECT CHANNELS | If enabled, you can select which channels to archive posts from. If disabled, all posts from all channels are archived. |
The following placeholders can be used in the Title Placeholder field. This will be replaced with the actual data coming from the Teams Post when creating the Record.
Placeholder | Data |
{TEAM_NAME} | Name of the Team |
{CHANNEL_NAME} | Name of the Teams Channel |
{SUBJECT} | The Teams Post subject |
{ID} | The Teams Post Id |
A Microsoft Word template is required for generating PDFs for Teams Posts. The following placeholders can be used to capture data coming from the Teams Posts. The template must be stored in Content Manager.
Placeholder | Data |
{TEAM_NAME} | Name of the Team |
{CHANNEL_NAME} | Name of the Teams Channel |
{SUBJECT} | The Teams Post subject |
{BODY} | The body content of the Teams Post |
{DATE_CREATED} | The date created of the Teams post |
{DATE_MODIFIED} | The date last modified of the Teams Post |
{AUTHOR} | The display name of the author of the Teams Post |
{REACTIONS_COUNT} | The number of reactions that the Teams Post received |
{ID} | The Id of the Teams Post |
{REPLIES} | All replies to the Teams Post |
{ATTACHMENTS} | All image/gif attachments of the Teams Posts |
An example Word Template: